Discussion Questions:
Imagine you are Haylie. What would you feel like if you had to move to a new city, school and live on a college campus?
What is a College? And what is a University? What is the difference?
Have you ever visited a college campus before? If so- what did you notice and what did you learn?
Why did Haylie’s mom think it would be a great idea for them to live on a college campus?
Do you think you would enjoy living on a college campus? Why or Why not?
Have you ever visited a college campus? If so- what did you notice and what did you learn?
Who is WEBA? Why was WEBA so important to Haylie?
Describe how Haylie felt when she saw WEBA floating in the Wish Fountain? Would you react the way she did?
Haylie told a fib about being a great soccer player in Texas. Have you ever fibbed to a friend about something you could do? Explain.
What does the word talent mean? What were Haylie’s talents?
What’s the message the author wants the reader to take away after reading this story?

Activities :
Haylie loves to write small books, picture books and this was her first chapter book. Create your first small book with words and illustrations. You will need paper, pencil, crayons, markers and a stapler.
Haylie always writes letters to Max. Write a letter to a friend sharing something you’re excited about?
Imagine you are Haylie. Write a paper that tells what it would feel like to move to a new city, new school and live on a college campus? What would you do?
Research your favorite college or university campus
Sketch a picture of what it looks like- next write a small paragraph explaining why you want to visit this campus.
Draw and color a picture of Weba.
Draw a picture of your favorite stuffed animal. Give it a special name and write what the name means.
Haylie loves words. Find ten of Haylie’s words that you learned and write the dictionary definition for them.
Draw and color a picture of The Wish Fountain with Weba floating in it.
Timmy wrote a chant for the talent show about being yourself. Write a chant with a positive message to share with a friend in your class.
Haylie and Timmy enjoy riding their bikes around campus. Do you have a bike? If so sketch a picture of you riding your bike? If you don’t have a bike- sketch a picture of your dream bike.